Harvest Newsletter 2024

Harvest Thanksgiving Newsletter, Autumn, 2024

A Thanksgiving Message from Archdeacon Bill,  Priest Among Us

In the coming electoral cycle that is widely anticipated, we are all aware in the current climate both north and south of the border the ways in which political rhetoric has degenerated to the lowest form of discourse.  Dynamic policy debates and social positioning has been replaced by name calling and insults.  Politics is no longer about distinguishing one’s economic and social position but rather posturing.  Social media and public debate have been weaponized to defame and demean one’s opponents.  The bar has become so low that current political speech could not meet the basic criterion expected of elementary school level legion sponsored public speaking contests.

There are times that church discourse and that found in other not for profit organizations can be equally toxic.  As recognized in a recent diocesan memo, clergy and lay people are sometimes dealing with difficult behaviours within their congregations. We are usually caught off guard and not well equipped about how to manage tough interpersonal dynamics and inappropriate interactions.  There are lots of reasons why these behaviours are more common now.  The pandemic has left us in a very transitional time. With fewer active members to provide balance, the difficult voices have become louder. Post COVID, many of our traditional indicators of success (attendance, identifiable givers, number of volunteers) are no longer working in the same ways for us, so it’s hard to know, or agree on, what success looks like now. Struggling and disagreeing is to be expected. Congregations need to do this in respectful and healthy ways, or we risk losing the sense of joy and positive purpose in our gatherings. 

In the Epistle of James Chapter 3 is written; “…the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great exploits. How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire…. but no one can tame the tongue a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this ought not to be so.”   In the season of thanksgiving, we should use the gift of speech to offer thanksgiving, blessings and affirmation for all our blessings.  Our speech should be an instrument that lifts people up rather than puts others down.  

Bobcaygeon and Dunsford Community Food Banks Request Donations:  Thanksgiving Sunday, October 13 and the following two Sundays, will be designated in our parish for receiving donations for local foodbanks.  In each of our congregations during the gathering for Sunday services of worship, there will be designated boxes decorated and identified for receiving such donations.  Those items donated at St. John’s will be dedicated and forwarded to the Dunsford Community Food Bank and those items donated at Christ Church will be dedicated and forwarded to the Bobcaygeon Community Food Bank.  Requested donations include: Canned Veggies:  Green Beans, Peas, Corn Niblets, Juice Boxes for Children. Canned Fruit, Apple Juice – liter, Cereal. Peanut Butter, Sugar, Instant Coffee, Granola Bars – no nuts, Macaroni, diapers all sizes, Pull ups, Baby formula, Baby cereal, Baby food, Baby wipes, Canned soups, canned stew/chili, Pasta sauce, Pasta noodles, Rice, Pancake Mix, Peanut Butter and Jam, Maple Syrup, Laundry Soap, Dish Soap. 

Advance Notice: CHRISTMAS MARKET   Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, and St. John’s Dunsford will once again we will be participating in Bobcaygeon’s Mingle and Jingle (exact dates to be confirmed but usually it is held the middle of November). There is a way for everyone to become involved and help out. Please save your previously enjoyed books, puzzles, games and Christmas treasures. Christmas type crafts are always welcome. We will be having a bake table. Monetary donations towards the preparation of our frozen soups and dinners would be greatly appreciated.  We are in the planning stage, so any suggestions are welcome. This was one of our Church’s largest fundraisers last year and with your support we hope to have a successful 2024 Christmas Market. 

Next Clothing Giveaway – Christ Church, Bobcaygeon; Friday October.18.2024 9:30am- 12:30pm;

Saturday October.19.2024 9:30am- 12:30pm. Contact: Betty Ann Shaw (705) 738-3670 if you would like to volunteer or have any questions.

Joint Parish Harvest Thanksgiving Service: Sunday October.6.2024 at 11:00am St. John’s Church, Dunsford. Lunch to follow in the St. John’s parish hall. There will be no services on this Sunday for Christ Church, Bobcaygeon or St. Luke’s Church, Burnt River.  Please join us for this revival of this long-standing parish tradition, our first opportunity since the pandemic. This is an important opportunity for our 3 congregations to worship together.

Please use the enclosed Harvest Thanksgiving envelope to express your gratitude for our many blessings. Parish finances currently indicate that we are in deficit, and we ask for your assistance to offer relief. If possible, please return your thank offering either in person at public service or by mail, using the following mailing addresses with our thanks.

Christ Anglican Church;              St. John’s Anglican Church       St. Luke’s Anglican Church

PO Box 133                                 1948 Sturgeon Rd                      178 Burnt River Rd.

Bobcaygeon, Ontario                   Dunsford, Ontario                      Burnt River, Ontario

K0M 1A0                                    K0M 1L0                                   K0M 1C0