St. John’s

All are welcome to worship with us!

St. John’s, Dunsford is located at 1948 Sturgeon Road in the Village of Dunsford.

Worship Schedule: Sundays 9:15 a.m.

Public in person services of worship have resumed.

Recent years have seen modest growth for the small congregation, which combines young families and retirees in a friendly mix.  Holy Communion (aka Holy Eucharist) is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays and Morning Prayer services are on the first and third Sundays.  Lay participation in the reading of scripture and the leading in prayers in encouraged.

Parish Officers

  • Clergy Warden – Jeff Thurston
  • People’s Warden – Keith Thurston
  • Deputy People’s Warden – Luanne Reparon
  • Deputy Clergy Warden- Barry Baxter
  • Treasurer – Mary Smith
  • Lay Reader – Larry Barker
  • Organist and Music Director – Goldie Bryan
  • Synod Lay Delegate – Mariel Kennedy
  • Substitute Lay Delegate- Jean Bartlett

Parish organizations and ministries

Sunday School

There is an active Sunday school led by experienced teachers. The children leave during the second hymn of the service and return for communion, or at the end of the morning prayer service. The annual Christmas pageant is an extravaganza including children who are visiting grandparents, as well as regular Sunday school members.

Fellowship and Events

Like many rural parishes the church puts on a spring ham supper, served in three sittings in the parish hall, and a fall pork supper in the much larger community centre. A summer yard and pie sale and fall Christmas treasures sale help to build community and raise funds for the upkeep of the church.

Community Services

St. John’s hosts fellow parish members from Bobcaygeon and Burnt River at a special Harvest Thanksgiving service usually at the end of September or beginning of October followed by a lunch in the parish hall.   St. John’s helps to organize,  co-hosts and helps lead an ecumenical community inter-church service at the Dunsford Community Centre usually held in February in conjunction with the Dunsford Community Winterfest.   We join in a Good Friday worship service with Christ Anglican Church, Bobcaygeon. We also participate in a joint parish service hosted by St. Luke’s, Burnt River, in mid July. Members of St. John’s are always invited to join in activities at nearby Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, including special services, knitting prayer shawls,  Advent and Lenten study programs and church suppers. We also regularly help organize, lead, participate in and take our turn hosting the annual Dunsford World Day of Prayer service.


Instrumental and vocal sacred music is regularly provided for services of worship by a church organist  as well as guest musicians and soloists.  Congregational hymn and service singing is enjoyed and encouraged !

St. John’s History

St. John’s was built in 1859 on an acre of land deeded to the church. It has served the Dunsford area ever since, with the addition of a parish hall donated by St. Barnabas Peterborough in the early 1960’s. The current brick church replaced the old wooden church in 1982.